If you go into your cooking feeling tense you will often find that you make more mistakes. Relax a little and enjoy the experience. Consider putting some music on and get into the flow of cooking, rather than trying to force everything to be perfect.
Understand The Recipe
Preparation is a key aspect of cooking, so it is important that you have read the recipe thoroughly and understand what is required to make the dish. Have your ingredients ready ahead of time and don’t do anything the recipe doesn’t tell you to unless you are completely confident that you will see good results.
Measure Properly
Poor measurements will often ruin the taste and complexion of the dish. Make sure all of your measurements are completely accurate and don’t approximate.
Pay Attention
Don’t pay attention to the old adage that “a watched pot never boils.” You should watch what you are doing, rather than setting a timer and hoping for the best. This will allow you to react quickly if something doesn’t go according to plan, potentially saving the dish.
Benjamin Ambrosio has a passion for cooking.