Monday, 20 June 2016

Benjamin Ambrosio - Preserving Evidence - Tips for First Responders

A crucial part of any criminal investigation are the first responders to a crime scene. Benjamin Ambrosio, as a police officer in the New York City Police Department, has extensive experience as a first responder. During his ten years on the force and as a first responder to numerous crime scenes, he has been responsible for establishing the perimeter of the crime scene, determining the entrance and exit locations of any suspects, and keeping people out of the crime scene that is not authorized to be there. These are important steps that every first responder must make when investigating a crime.
 Benjamin Ambrosio
  • When a first responder arrives at a crime scene, they must first determine if the scene is safe and if any individuals require medical attention. If there are any witnesses to the crime, the need to separate them from the scene immediately in order for detectives to interview them.
  • Don’t attempt to gather any evidence. There are only a few situations where it is acceptable for a first responder to collect evidence before the crime scene investigators arrive.
  • Be conscious of the possibility of contaminating the scene. Be sure to wear personal protective equipment like gloves, avoid leaving shoe prints in crucial areas of the scene, don’t toss cigarette butts within the scene area, and be careful when handling electronic devices.
First responders to crime scenes must be extremely conscious of their activity and movement because evidence of the crime can be located anywhere in the area. Benjamin Ambrosio has been gathering preliminary investigation information for years as a first responder with the New York City police department.